Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Analysis of Ender Wiggins:

Ender Wiggin, the main character, suffers from conflicts between people ever since he was born. This conflict lead to a internal war within himself. Ender’s first error was to be born as a third child, which was forbidden by the government. Classmates, teachers, and even his own brother, Peter, dispised him for this. But, most of all, Ender suffered from Peter’s tortuous nature because he had not yet been regarded to enter Battleschool. Every child, since they were born are required to have a monitor-like device attached on their neck that allows Battleschool authorities to listen to their thoughts along with seeing their reactions to events, and the authorities determine whether they were geniuses that should enter into Battleschool to fight against the anticipated war between humans and buggers- also known as alien enemies. This was an opportunity to help save the world. Most of the children’s monitor were taken off at the age of 4, which meant they are not qualified. Ender still had his monitor at age 6.

Ender was the victim of physical and mental abuse at school and at home. Children were jealous of him at school, but Ender never fought back because the monitor was there to look after him. Peter, who was older than him, “...was a murderer at heart, and nobody knew it but Valentine and Ender” (p.14  ) Eventually, the Battleschool authorities planned to pretend to refuse Ender; they allowed the monitor to be removed and waited for Ender’s reactions to his surroundings with the mindset of being “free”. To Ender, he was finally like other children. But Peter continued with his violent ways, leaving Ender helpless, hopeless, and scared each night. Only his older sister, Valentine, ceased his anger. Worst than the torture, was the influence of Peter. After the monitor was taken off, Peter found himself indulged in a fight with the leader of the school gang that always picked on him. He figured that violence would discourage others from messing with him, now that the monitor can no longer protect him. Isolation with the secret of his malicious brother brought isolation and unhappiness to his life. But when the news of the gang leaders serious injury was heard, Ender found himself taking the form of Peter- unwillingly.

The next day, the Battleschool principal, Colonel Graff, came to announce Ender’s acceptance into Battleschool, he persuaded Ender to leave behind his beloved sister and “help save the world”. In Battleschool, behind the scene, Graff was planning and controlling every aspect of Ender’s life- singaling him as the genius to stir jealouy and stimulate enemies was his first manipulation. By forming more and more enemies around Ender, Graff believed the isolation and negativity would expose Ender’s full potential as a soldier. Eventually, Ender’s inner conflict of "becoming Peter" slowly ceased when he followed up on the Battleschool’s manipulation. He was left with no family, no friends- only a genius that felt unaccepted in the world.


  1. I feel that your understanding of the book is right on point, but I think you should write more about your own thought on the different parts in the book. For example, you can write more about how you feel about the physical and mental abuses that Ender Wiggin recieved. How do you think this is relevant in real life? You should ask yourself these kind of questions and it would definitely make your analysis better.

  2. I really like your summary of first part of Ender's Game. It is extremely accurate and easy to understand. The problem is, this review seems very "bland"(no offense). I find that book reviews can be very interesting if there is some kind of critical thinking and comprehensive ideas tied into the plot. As Vincent said, you can possibly use this while also giving your personal opinions of the book. Overall, you had a great summery though!

  3. I haven't read this book yet, but it sounds very interesting. Based on the first part of your summary describing the conflict, how do you think a resolution can be reached if the conflict is within the character himself? Will the main character be able to solve the problem on his own or will he require the strength of others?

  4. Great! Why did Ender still have his monitor at age 6? Would you have chosen to save the world over your family, just like Ender!? Why do you think his name is Ender? What was the author's purpose of this name? Is it significant at all!?!? (do not say no because I think the name is significant)
