Friday, August 27, 2010

Response to Bullying:

Tonight, as I read through numerous blogs on the topic of bullying, I finally found a very deep and significant quote by Francis!
"After I had experienced this hate, I finally realized what I had done was wrong. Now I am not going to lie, I still try to get into the popular group and I also still trivialize others, but to a lesser extent. I believe that the true reason why people bully others and impugn other’s existence is to escape getting hurt themselves or to escape their own thoughts of self inferiority."
Everyone has wrote on this topic with there very own experiences. Bullying can be explained in so many ways and to so many extents, making it more difficult to make sense of the reason for bullying.  It is so hard to get to the roots of this brutal activity. In this quote, Francis gives one of the answers to bullying, (I really like the clear specific vocabulary he uses!) He explains it as a need to escape, which applies to both the bully and the victim. Victims want to be left alone and be treated fairly; to escape the criticism targeted upon them. However tough a bully presents himself or herself to be, there is at least a tiny bit of intention to escape becoming the target. Francis says, "to escape their own thoughts of self inferiority"; this part of the quote contain a lot of meaning to how bullies feel. (Note that bullies are not all arrogant people. I think everyone  lacks a good sense of judgment once in a while.) Guilt is the biggest punishment towards bullies, and in the end it strikes them hard. Guilt can bring you down and you start feeling lower than the victim you picked on. When bullies start to realize the harm they have done, sometimes they try to ignore it. The awareness of being responsible casts a big shadow, and that is what bullies try to escape.

One rule of the ASTI Constitution relates closely to the relationship between bully and victim I described, it is this:
Take responsibilities for your actions and words.
From Francis's quote, I realized that bullies are responsible for a bit of mental punishment - called, guilt.