Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Drinking Age Should be lowered or legalized - Rebuttel:

Underage drinking has reached its peak and has caught the attention of many. The disasters of illegal drinking led many to conclude that teens, because of their young age, are unable to control their limits of drinking, and will therefore harm themselves as well as others. Andy, and I believe that this problem should not be addressed this way. By raising the drinking age, we are making it harder to teach kids the influence of alcohol. We believe that it should be legal to drink, but illegal to over-drink.

Amber and Tiffany states that:
"Drinking age should not be lowered because our own body isn't capable of resisting alcohol. 21-year-old may not be mature enough to know their limitations on drinking and just lowering the age will have a bad cause."
 Moderate drinking is actually healthy for the body, just not overdose drinking. We are aware that many teens do not know the danger of overdrinking, therefore we plan to physically teach them how to drink by letting them experience alcohol. Some may argue that many of these programs, like DARE, do not have any positive influence at all. Many of these current programs do not allow teens to taste alcohol (because of the law), and we believe by letting teens taste alcohol, along with having lessons, would make a difference. For example, in many cultures teens are allowed to drink. Their parents teach them to be moderate drinkers at home so they would not drink like crazy when they are illegally drinking or are at the age to drink. The goal of our program is to follow these examples and expose alcohol to children at a young age so it would not be recognized as a type of "cool" drink because they would be familiar to it.

By exposing alcohol openly to teens, we are demystifying it. Currently we are allowing only adults (who are recognized as mature) to drink, forming a symbol of maturity and independence. We need to discard this image so teens would think of it as an ordinary drink and recognizing the limits of an ordinary drink.

Most of all, when drinking is legal, we are able to keep an eye out when alcohol is abused; but when it is illegal we cannot catch it as easily because it is hidden. We strongly believe that those who are able to handle alcohol is because of their attitude towards it, not because of their age. We should change the law to: No over drinking to the extent of being drunk- aka. to the BAC of 0.15.

By modifying the law, we will be able to prevent the abuse of alcohol among teens; solving the problem of danger toward teens themselves, as well as the danger towards others because it also helps decrease the incidents of drunk driving.

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