Thursday, January 13, 2011


          I dislike any characteristics of winter. On a typical winter day the sky is abnormally gray, with pale clouds hovering- preventing light from the sun. It is like the light from a lamp is turned to the lowest possible level and a morose feeling comes to me. The volatile whether is annoying and picks the worse time for a storm. Whenever I am wearing a puffy jacket, the clouds agreeably make way for the sun to shine on my heated jacket. When I strip off my jacket, the clouds close up and send the winds to further the discomfort.

           Rain just makes everything worse. School becomes a messy slop, especially with the gooey goose poop littered on campus. There is no point wearing anything nice because the rain would ruin it anyways. Every step in winter allows puddles to splash, rain from the ceiling to drip on heads, clothes to damp from the raindrops covering surfaces, and just sticky, cold, and wet everywhere, with no control over stopping it.

         In the middle of this misery, somewhere a spark flew this winter... and I found one thing that I love about winter (besides Christmas). Sweaters! It may be a bit abnormal, but I believe sweaters are what make winter durable. They are like a cup of steamy hot chocolate with melting marshmallows on a stormy night. On the After Christmas Sales, we bought home some soft comfy sweaters, with different colors and everything. Something about the loose cotton texture- plain but nice. I am so pleasured by sweaters, I should start a sweater collection. Nonetheless, it definitely brightens the winter days. 


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