Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ch.11 Animal Farm CARLY & VANESSA's story

  “Sheep, it’s time.” Clover announced. The entire clan of animals met outside in the usual spot, the apple tree. They needed to discuss their method to get rid of Napoleon. The group consisted of the pack of sheep, the new generation of young pigs, Snowball, and the leftovers of the ‘lower’ animals; the ones everyone believed to be less capable of doing anything right the way Napoleon insisted. The incredulous scene they had witnessed at the barn house left the animals speechless. Snowball dropped by for his weekly scheming with the animals, just in time to hear the news. Snowball had warned them this day would come, the day that the pig tyrants would evolve human-like characteristics, but they didn’t know it would be this soon. Over the years, the animals have tried not to be optimistic any more. “If you don’t expect anything, you won’t be disappointed.” That was their motto.  

The apple tree was the perfect spot. At the front, one can only see the the hind legs of the animals shuffling in the dirt, seemingly to be hard at work. The apple tree was big enough to allow its branches and leaves to spread evenly, creating a dome that protects and hides their hideout. No pig had ever suspected them because this spot was the dirtiest, filthiest place in the whole barn- which is another great protection. The pigs see the animals as uncivilized beings and refused to even near the apple tree, which was too old to produce any edible fruits anyways.
            Clover began, “Now fellow Animals Farm members, we are gathered here on this night to discuss that of the tyrant, Napoleon! Now we will take suggestions of what to do about him.” The sheep beat their legs in a rhythm to mimic hard work, and one said, “Clover, I believe what we need is a more efficient network of spies. In order to do so, we must teach the young pigs of the truth, the wholehearted truth of the beginning, from the telling of Old Major.” The sheep ruffled in his fur and took out the diary of Old Major he had found hidden in Napoleon's belongings. “Currently we only have Georgia and Jose (the two loyal pigs) as our spies.”, he continues. Clover agrees, “You’re right sheep, but we must begin the revolution while persuading the pigs. We are running out of time! If we let the other pigs continue with doing what they desire, we will all end up DEAD!”

Just then, two quick scratches and a knock was heard as Snowball entered the apple tree dome. “Hello animals. I have heard the news of the fast evolution of the pigs. Fortunately, I have come to announce to all that we may have a chance at enforcing justice! Whymper has connected us with The Secret Association Of Animal Rights. My past experiences with certain humans have been great. Animals, I have learned that not all humans are bad.”

The animals carefully observed, especially the secret pig spies observed what activity was occurring between the head pigs throughout the next couple of weeks.  They had brought in the new information daily for the sheep to look over and plan the accurate date to begin. Napoleon was not oblivious of The Secret Association Of Animal Rights though, but he was too conceited to care. According to him, him and the humans were close allies now.

Mary was one of the most efficient sheep spies. She was the one picked by the pigs to serve them food because all sheep were thought to be extremely stupid by the pigs. Therefore she was able to eavesdrop easily on their plans. and read the documents they leave behind. One day, Mary brought back the news that the pigs have decided to slaughter a certain amount of them each day to sell to other farmers since their population is growing larger than ever. That same  day, the Revolution began.

The animals were ready and signaled The Secret Association of Animal Rights. One their way to Animal Farm, some of Napoleon’s farmer friends joined in hopes to slaughter some pigs for dinner. Bangs of guns sounded and before they even stepped inside, two of Napoleon’s guard dogs were dead on the ground. The plan was to get Napoleon wounded as soon as possible. In less than an instant feet were stomping, hooves charging, paws clawing, claws snatching, and the whole farm was thick with dusty air. During this moment of chaos, the pigs’ weaknesses were finally revealed. The herd of pigs were immobilized by the fat that have accumulated on their belly, legs, and especially their eyes. The pigs have evolved similar to disabled humans. They acquired canes to heave their overweight bodies into walking positions and their eyes have reduced half in size. But it was too late, the pigs were surrounded quick and easily. The animals gave loud triumphant cheers as the pigs were thrown into the back of the truck of the Secret Association of Animal Rights. It was later found that the pigs had became so emotionally hyped with anger that they died of heart attacks and were cooked into a delicious batch of crispy bacon.

After the revolution, the animals were given rights under the law. They never had so much power to decide their own future. News of the animals’ freedom spread and people came to the Secret Association of Animal Rights’ office in groups to witness this day. Some animals decided to become pets to caring owners. Others still enjoyed working in the farm-they were fed fairly and worked an appropriate amount of hours. More radical pigs who had mixed feelings about life with humans again rejoined their natural habitat in the wild, away from industrialized life and back to where their ancestors lived.

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