Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Revolutions of the World and Animal Farm

Between George Orwell's Animal Farm and the actual revolutions around the world, there are many similarities and also very important differences that lead to the different results. The book is definately not as realistic as the actual revolutions, but many of the factors that contributed to their revolutions is relatively similar to those in Egypt and Hondoras.

In the beginning of every revolution, there are always uncertainty. In Hondoras, the citizens won their democracy again and the first thing they did was construct a constitution, just like what they did in Animal Farm. The Hondoran president, Zeleya, was brought down from power by the soldiers who "kidnapped" him and shipped him off. The soldiers refused to follow Zeleya's orders of attacking the citizens who are rebelling. Instead, they went off and kidnapped him. They were able to disobey Zeleya because Zeleya had no control over them. The weapons were in the soldier's hands, not Zeleya. In this event, the soldiers can be assumed to have more power than the president himself. In Animal Farm, Napoleon could hav ebeen stopped, but the 'lower animals' who worked for him did not have the power to disobey because they are not in control of the resources.

In reality, in relation to the Hondoran Revolution, their people are not as captivated as those animals. Unlike the animals, revolutionists in Hondorans were more literate and revolutionists in Tunisia were not kept in the dark as much because they had wikileaks. George Orwell possibly exaggerated the inabilities of the 'lower animals' to show the cruelties of a government ruled by tyrants. Current revolutions are able to use modern technologies, especially the internet. Websites like Facebook and Twitter serves as an important tool that the animals in Animal Farm did not have, which lead to their failure in overcoming Napoleon. Furthermore, the animals were portrayed as extremely stupid. They had bad memories, could not learn, were oblivious of everything and are neutral of life. They were never suspicious of Napoleon enough to find out about the truth. In real revolutions around the world, people still had their intelligence to help them overcome bad governments. The animals had a brain wash- this is the the main differences between the revolutions in real life and the revolution in Animal Farm.

Here's some more current news on Egypt's Revolution:

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