Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Sleeping is all I think about. As I read Ruby's blog, I can connect with her:
"At the age of fifteen, there is only so much I can do with my life; especially living in a home under extraordinarily protective parents. I am of the same mind/opinion as Amber; life is boring, but to what extent can we go to change it?

My weekly ritual consists of: waking up, going to school, coming home to do homework, and sleeping. Throw a few snack breaks in and you have my life Mon-Fri. Saturday and Sunday, never too much thrill out of those days either."
 I am doing my post wayyy earlier than I am supposed to because I know I won't have time tomorrow or Friday. So, I found this post especially appealing because it is about sleep. Right now it is eleven something and I yearn to sleep early, at least once. There are many symptoms to lack of sleep, much that I have now and will have tomorrow at school. They include: dark ugly circles under the eyes, slight wrinkles under those, hazy unfocused lenses, dizziness, discoloration, and thirstiness. Without sleep, people can look old and worn out. The cause of this is homework and procrastination. Right now, I have to continue with homework and deal with all these symptoms. I might just take a nap...

1 comment:


    i responded to your response post, also you did not like to ruby's post?
