Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Does ancestry make up one’s identity? Ancestry can shape who we are if we allow it to. The race we are born with makes an impact because of the way society views us. Our identity is not dependent on ancestry, instead it is dependent upon the way we choose to act upon it; but it definitely relies more on the change we make in the world. In the stories, The Aquatic Uncle and The Dinosaurs, by Italo Calvino, the main character Q demonstrates the two paths he chose to take. Depending on Q’s personality, from strong and confident to weak and narrowminded, the view of Q’s ancestry can change drastically.

In the story , The Aquatic Uncle, Q sees his ancestry as embarrassing, which lowers his self-esteem. Q is living in the “adaptation period” where fish are adapting to survive on land. There is a sense of popularity driven through the community by those who have adapted and most certainly by those who originated on land. Q views his land creature girlfriend, Lll, as an idol: “In her, I saw the perfect definite form, born from the conquest of the land that had emerged; she was the sum of the new boundless possibilities opened” (78). Q is nonetheless ashamed of his ancestry, and most of all his old fashioned Great Uncle N’ba N’ga. Q is loosing touch with who he is. This period gives him alot of pressure to fit in with land creatures who display fascinating capabilities. Q’s experience is similar to that of fitting into school, where those who have the best capabilities, like innovative technologies, are popular. Q is dependent on Lll to integrate the fun into his life with “new boundless opportunities” that he believes he will never gain because of his ancestry. He expresses weakness as he follows and admires everything about Lll; slowly forgetting who he is and the history of his species.

Q’s narrow-mindedness does not allow him to accept the beauty of his ancestry. Q was increasingly ashamed of his Uncle’s “fishiness”, embarrassed to even defend his Uncle’s view of sea creatures and land creatures. He tries to shield Uncle N’ba N’ga away from Lll’s life, but in the end, Lll leaves Q for Uncle N’ba N’ga with the irony that she loves him because he is a fish. Q watches surprisingly as “She surfaced, but she wasn’t alone: the sturdy curved tail of Great Uncle N’ba N’ga rose near hers, and together they cleft the water (81).” From that day on, Q still could not understand Lll’s fascination in Uncle. Uncle N’ba N’ga shows a beautiful side of his ancestry that Q does not see. Q condemns the art of being a fish all along. In the contrary, Lll admires it by learning their style to perfection. Uncle had the true confidence to recognize this beauty, which attracted Lll, despite his age. Instead, Q embraced everything from Lll’s world. He denys the power of his ancestry; oblivious that confidence would have constructed a happy ending.

In the story, The Dinosaurs, Q is a confident creature because of his ancestry. He is the last dinosaur on Earth and he decides to go back to civilization after many years of living in isolation. He realized, soon enough, that his kind is the most feared creatures of all time, but the New Ones’ fears are based on stories that built ridiculous stereotypes for his species. Q displays bravery by fighting back to Zahn, one who challenged him unfairly and gained good results: “From that day on, I was the most respected of all. Even Zahn encouraged me, followed me around to see me give new proofs of my strength” (103). Here, Q’s ancestry makes him proud. They ruled powerfully; dependent on fear. He does not feel a need to gain favor. His kind of ‘fit in’ is to fit in with the New Ones so he would not be recognized as a dinosaur. He has the strength and body type of his ancestors that makes others impress. Q is admired in The Dinosaurs rather than condemned as in The Aquatic Uncle. There are no signs of in-confidence in Q. He embraces his ancestry so much, he furthers protects it from harm.

Q is much more experienced in this story, and because of this he seems to take the place of Uncle N’ba N’ga. The stereotypes placed on the dinosaurs were far from the truth. After much patience, Q finally decides that: “In any case, the real truth about the dinosaurs would never be understood by anyone now; it was a secret I would keep for myself alone” (109). Q worries about protecting his ancestry because he finds no one can ignore stereotypes and understand the life of dinosaurs. He wishes the New Ones would understand that they were neither as frightening nor as foolish, whatever the stories made them sound. Q’s experience with the past gives him confidence to support his species through all types of prejudices. He takes the place of Uncle N’ba N’ga because Uncle also embraces the beauty of his kind through everything.

The two species Q contain both advantages and disadvantages. Q chooses whether to take in the advantages or the disadvantages, or even both. Prejudices is a natural form in society and one must have confidence in their ancestry to ignore the stereotypes. The two personalities of Q can change the attitudes toward the diversity of races in the world.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Marco's extreme passion for soccer!

Marco, the crazy soccer-lover states his view on 'the best sport in the world':
"I know that some of you who read this, will go like, "here he goes again talking about soccer",but it's just that it's one of te things I'm always thinking about and that I have lots of things to say about. Well, the truth is, I love soccer a lot."
I really did expect a super long rant on soccer because he is Marco and that is what he does. Reading on, I began to admire Marco's passion for soccer. Everything begins with a passion and the more passion one has, the better one will do. Having a strong passion for something is just fantastic because it allows one to reach for their full potential. On the way there, they encounter obstacles that block their every move. The one who puts out the most effort with the strongest will to do what they love is the one that stands out from the rest. Along the way, you learn who you are and what you can do. I admire people who work extremely hard no matter what to succeed. They sore beyond the limits. I especially admire the consistency of their work. I believe consistency is just as important as passion because one cannot exceed without the other. If you do not continue what you do everyday and keep practicing, there would be no improvements. For example, I wish I had the consistency to keep playing the piano. I  quit in sixth grade and now I regret it because if I had kept practicing I would have overcome the obstacles, and this is due to my lack of passion back then. I believe if you attribute these two traits, you can do anything.


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Lucid Dreaming for beginners

A few weeks ago, I was browsing through the Yahoo! articles and I found an extremely fascinating article topic to post about: Lucid dreams. What is a lucid dream? Well, lucid dreams, as it implies in its name, are dreams that are lucid, or clear. In the Yahoo! article and other sources I found, they stated that people can actually be aware of themselves in their dreams and control their dreams! That means no more nightmares! Such acquisition is amazing! Let me tell you how this is possible as clear as I am capable of.

 Many people have lucid dreamed in their lives without trying. (You might have too!) In a lucid dream, one becomes aware that they are dreaming. But having the ability to conduct what you do in your dream is the hard part. Once you realize you are dreaming and began to take notice of your surroundings, anything can happen in your dream. Everything becomes vivid with details and color. According to the Yahoo! article, it states: "You will be able to escape from a hideous monster and into the arms of Brad Pitt." Hahhaa! Yes, you will be able to do this once you expert lucid dreaming.

The first step is to recall your dreams and become familiar with your senses in the dream. Many experts suggest keeping a dream journal or use your itouch (like Mr. Sutherland). Jog down any detail of your dream. The point is to train the mind to perceive dreams every day, the minute you wake up. Also, become more aware of the details in everyday life. One technique is doing reality checks, which is reminding yourself to be concious. You should ask yourself "Am I dreaming?" and prove that you are in reality by pressing against solid materials. When you do this in dreams, your fingers might go through.

Next, try different techniques:
- Sleep at a good time; when you are neither too tired or too energized. As you fall asleep, repeat in your mind "The next dream is a lucid dream." and continue thinking about everything you have learned about them. We are trying to keep your mind slightly concious as your body shuts down into sleep. In your dreams, do reality checks.
- Another way is to take a nap for a short hour. Then, wake up and do activities that would keep your mind busy for about half an hour. Afterwards, go back to sleep. It would be easier to be concious in dreams because your brain is more awake.
- For 4 days in a week set your alarm clock to ring early. For the other 3 days don't set it. The days must follow the pattern early, late, early, late. On early days, you MUST wake up. Continue this process for 2 weeks or so. On the third week, don't set your alarm clock on any of the days. Your brain would be accustomed to waking up on the early days and become concious in dreams.

Remember: Try not to freak out or get too excited when you realize you are dreaming because then you will wake up. When you are a little bit concious, do reality checks.

The most common lucid dreaming activity is flying. You can actually feel the activities you are doing in lucid dreams. That is why it is most important to train your brain to recall with your senses. When you first lucid dream it might be a bit creepy. When I tried lucid dreaming, I was in a dream where I was talking with two people and then suddenly the people morphed into each other and then kept morphing into different things. Turns out, this is one of the first stages of sleeping. Also, keep in mind that what you do in your dream is all in your mind. It is similar to imagination.
Have fun with this and try to lucid dream! Also, find other techniques if these don't work for you.

Here are my sources:

Friday, September 17, 2010

Quickwrite: Aimee Mullins' Speech

After hearing Aimee's speech about her legs, it really had me thinking. There are so many things that she is able to alter to her body. Being able to do this is truly amazing and it is a sign that our technology had improved. It seems like this would be a big part of our future. However, I have a little bit of negativity towards this. If people in the future start removing their body parts and replacing them with other technology, we would soon be- not exactly a robot- but very similar. We would depend on batteries and such to keep our body running. I just don't think we should destroy our natural bodies when they are perfectly fine. Because then, without our robotic parts, we cannot function regularity. I feel that this act is very similar to plastic surgery. We try to "beautify" ourselves by changing the shape of our faces, narrowing our noses, or having breast implantation. Eventually we will not look like ourselves.

There is a positive side as well. As Aimee says, this is an art of creativity and imagination, much like sculpturing, but in an elevated level. There are countless possibilities like flying or having super speed. We can make ourselves look like anything at all. It is fascinating at the thought of possessing these abilities, but what will  I do what the fun is over? What if I get bored of it and want my original body back?

In my opinion, I would much rather keep my body parts.I like the fact that we are able to build our body doing exercises and keep it healthy. Having my own body just feels more comfortable, even though I would not know how it feels to have a piece of technology attached to me. Maybe we should start thinking about how unique our original bodies actually is and appreciate it.

I don't want to make those without body parts feel ashamed of their bodies either. I just hope people who have a perfectly functioning body think carefully. You can just have one or the other.

Soldiers and Their Lives- Respone to Amber G.

Amber's Recent post fascinated me. She opened my mind a little bit wider into thinking in different perspectives. As I was reading her post, I temporarily put myself into these soldiers' shoes. Amber says:
"I hate that I feel slightly ashamed of what my blood is out there doing. The truth is, I don't know what is going on on the battlefield. I don't know what they are doing, I don't know what they're thinking, so I don't know how to respond. Also I feel terrible because now every person that watched the video today has had to think at least once today "Damn, those soldiers are awful." We shouldn't have to doubt our own country. We shouldn't have to doubt the people protecting it."
Amber makes many points here. She talks mostly about right and wrong, whether the soldiers are doing what is moral or immoral. Do soldiers even give a thought about this question? Whatever they have done, even if it is wrong, I view these soldiers as brave people who are risking their own lives for us. They are the ones who gave up everything for people like us to do what we want in our lives. We can go shopping, watch movies, and watch television all night without a care, because of them. It is true that they are killing innocent lives. How are they able to do it, knowing that the people they are killing are innocent? Of course it is hard killing one person and one million people. Especially killing them in gruesome ways like blowing up their body parts. I can imagine the immense pain in acknowledging that I have ruined a person's life forever. I don't think soldiers actually want to do this job. It is both emotionally and physically painful. Again, they are killing people so that we don't have to. Many veterans come back home damaged emotionally and physically. I have read that even when veterans are at home they would often drift into the military mode and go insane with weapons, living with a constant fear. Even more come back without certain body parts or intense body dysfunctions. For example, a veteran came back home without a face to his waiting fiance. They were married, but because of his uncontrollable emotional damage, his wife divorced him. I am sure that this man have killed innocent lives as well, and he did it to protect us while sacrifices his life to be a normal man with a family. 

Amber, you should be proud of your blood because your family are the ones that did what is best for the majority. I don't think many people can be like them. I cannot stress how much veterans are giving up. We should all be extremely grateful to have people like her family members risking their everything for us to have ordinary lives. We should make the best out of this gift and give back to the soldiers.

It's nice to know that they can have some fun sometimes:)--> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haHXgFU7qNI

My 1st Thirteen Vocabulary:

1.) acquisition
2.) conduct
3.) perceived
4.) compensation
5.) constraint
6.) attribute
7.) integration
8.) discretion
9.) prime
10.) sufficient
11.) regime
12.) subsequent
13.) revenue

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Drinking Age Should be lowered or legalized - Rebuttel:

Underage drinking has reached its peak and has caught the attention of many. The disasters of illegal drinking led many to conclude that teens, because of their young age, are unable to control their limits of drinking, and will therefore harm themselves as well as others. Andy, and I believe that this problem should not be addressed this way. By raising the drinking age, we are making it harder to teach kids the influence of alcohol. We believe that it should be legal to drink, but illegal to over-drink.

Amber and Tiffany states that:
"Drinking age should not be lowered because our own body isn't capable of resisting alcohol. 21-year-old may not be mature enough to know their limitations on drinking and just lowering the age will have a bad cause."
 Moderate drinking is actually healthy for the body, just not overdose drinking. We are aware that many teens do not know the danger of overdrinking, therefore we plan to physically teach them how to drink by letting them experience alcohol. Some may argue that many of these programs, like DARE, do not have any positive influence at all. Many of these current programs do not allow teens to taste alcohol (because of the law), and we believe by letting teens taste alcohol, along with having lessons, would make a difference. For example, in many cultures teens are allowed to drink. Their parents teach them to be moderate drinkers at home so they would not drink like crazy when they are illegally drinking or are at the age to drink. The goal of our program is to follow these examples and expose alcohol to children at a young age so it would not be recognized as a type of "cool" drink because they would be familiar to it.

By exposing alcohol openly to teens, we are demystifying it. Currently we are allowing only adults (who are recognized as mature) to drink, forming a symbol of maturity and independence. We need to discard this image so teens would think of it as an ordinary drink and recognizing the limits of an ordinary drink.

Most of all, when drinking is legal, we are able to keep an eye out when alcohol is abused; but when it is illegal we cannot catch it as easily because it is hidden. We strongly believe that those who are able to handle alcohol is because of their attitude towards it, not because of their age. We should change the law to: No over drinking to the extent of being drunk- aka. to the BAC of 0.15.

By modifying the law, we will be able to prevent the abuse of alcohol among teens; solving the problem of danger toward teens themselves, as well as the danger towards others because it also helps decrease the incidents of drunk driving.